For the past several decades, Somalia has suffered from severe political instability, which has led to many problems. The absence of a permanent federal government is a big obstacle to the development of any country, so foreign investment companies do not go to this country, and there are many security problems there.
But despite many challenges, after a long time in 2004, Somalia introduced a transitional federal government in terms of federalism, which surprised the whole world. Then a permanent Somali Federal Government (TFG) was established for the first time in Somalia. Since the beginning of this federal government, many challenges have been faced, but along with this, some problems of the federal government with the regional government have also arisen. The Somali Federal Government (SFG) also includes some regional states such as Puntland, Somaliland, and Juba land and all these states are running under a federal system in Somalia.
It is hoped that due to the political stability created now, the way of economic and economic development will be paved in Somalia. And international investors will invest here. But now there are some more challenges in Somalia that need to be solved. Security challenges are the biggest among these problems.
Historical Background of Political Stability and Instability in Somalia
When the federal government was completely abolished in Somalia in 1991, then the system of Somalia was run with great difficulty through a decentralized system, and along with this, the efforts of a fully empowered federal government were also made here. For a long time, efforts were made to rule in Somalia, but then in 2004, a transitional federal government began. This interim government had to face many difficulties because one of its goals was to unite the tribes here.
It was not an easy task to unite the scattered tribes and then convince them to an empowered federal government. After hard work, the Federal Government (TFG) was officially announced in Somalia for the first time in 2012, which was a surprise for many countries. The establishment of this federal government has brought stability to the politics of Somalia and now efforts are being made to further stabilize the federal system.
Challenges of Stable Government and Power Distribution
A central government has been established in Somalia, but at the same time, the problems between the central and regional governments have also increased. The central government wants complete control over Somalia, while regional governments in some states want their control. Due to this, there is a disturbance in the distribution of powers. Some states support the central government regarding the devolution of powers while some states still want regional control. Due to these reasons, there is a possibility of conflict.
Impact of Stable Government on National Unity and Stability
After the establishment of the federal government in Somalia, federalism has allowed the provinces and other regions to manage their affairs. Federalism has come into existence by uniting many tribes, and it wants national unity and stability.
The tribes in Somalia have a deep influence on many regions and they face challenges to the central federal government in many regions because of the tribes. The regional governments have certainly taught the regions the way of national governance, but they are also an obstacle in the way of economic development and economic development. It is necessary to strengthen and stabilize the central federal government so that the economic development of this country increases, and the people of the country can be united under one flag.
The only solution to all the challenges in Somalia is the establishment of a stable federal government. Here, uniting the tribes standing them on a platform, and finding a solution to the problems of our country at the international level is only the work of a stable federal government. Somalia will never be able to progress on the path of development if the people here remain in chaos due to regional and central governments.