After several years of civil war, amendments have been made to the Somali peace process. These efforts are being made to end the political instability in Somalia at the international level. Somalia is currently suffering from misery, poverty, and unemployment. The main reason for these problems is the decades-long civil war in Somalia, the actions of terrorist groups, and battles based on social and tribal principles. All these problems are being tackled in Somalia under international efforts.
We consider some points to know how the peace process in Somalia is possible
International Mediation and Support
Since Somalia is currently suffering from unrest, peace is being established there thanks to international mediation and efforts. Under international military and financial assistance, several efforts are being made here, such as establishing the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and forming the African Union Mission (AMISOM). All this would be impossible without foreign and international assistance and efforts.
Clan-Based Conflicts and Political Fragmentation
In Somalia, tribalism and identity have a profound effect on politics. Here, most of the tribal wars have been going on for many decades. Due to these conflicts, the integrity and development of the country is having a very bad impact. It is necessary to end the tribal conflicts and divisions first for political stability and peace in Somalia. This is possible only because of international mediation and efforts.
Security Challenges and the Role of Al-Shabaab
The main reason for the misery of Somalia is the actions of the terrorist organizations there. One of the many terrorist organizations is al-Qaeda, which has an affiliated extremist group, al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab’s terrorist attacks pose a great threat to Somalia’s security, peace, and political stability. To deal with these organizations, it is necessary to get international military and financial support. Due to these security challenges, every sector is badly affected, especially foreign investment companies that do not move here.
All the details mentioned above prove that for the establishment and development of peace in Somalia, it is necessary to get rid of tribal divisions, chaos, civil war and terrorist groups here. All these problems can be solved only with international financial and military assistance. The United Nations should take necessary measures here through its agencies. When all these problems are solved, the problems like education, health and trade in Somalia will be solved by themselves.