The development of any country depends on the quality of education of the young generation of that country. However, the young generation in Somalia is facing many problems with quality education. Instead of quality education, we are facing the problems of unemployment and political instability. Unemployment is a basic problem of any class, and the quality of education can be improved only by solving this problem.
In today’s modern era, Somali youth have access to modern facilities like digital facilities, and entrepreneurship, through which they can help to bring about changes in educational quality and take measures against unemployment. Tomorrow can be bright if Somali youth take skillful steps to enhance economic and social development through modern means.
Education and Skill Development
Somali youth face many challenges in the field of education. Access to quality education is a major challenge for Somali youth due to unemployment. Where youth are facing a lack of resources, resources are being improved to equip them with skills and bring them into the digital age.
In today’s modern era, online earning is the best resource that provides facilities and employment to the young generation despite having fewer means and resources. Unemployment problems can be ameliorated if the young generation focuses and acquires skills in digital and online working.
Employment and Economic Opportunities
The cause of the backwardness of any country is unemployment. The unemployment rate is also increasing among the youth of Somalia because the resources and facilities are very available. The main reason for this is the lack of resources available to the youth and the backwardness of the country’s economy. When the economy of a country is weak and the resources are fewer, the youth must face unemployment.
However, the facilities of agriculture and modern technology are being made available to the Somali youth to increase economic development. If the youth in Somalia are encouraged and provided with modern technology facilities and given access to microfinance, the problem of unemployment can be largely controlled. In this way, instead of looking for employment, the young generation will be able to create their employment and the country’s economy will also develop.
Political Engagement and Social Change
The involvement of the young generation in politics and initiatives for peacebuilding can play an important role in the development of any country. Somali youth are playing an important role in peacekeeping and human rights advocacy, they are striving for the long-term stability of the country with their courage and passion. So, Mali youths are giving more emphasis to the terms of human rights which can prevent many evils of the society. Somali youth are playing an important role in civic responsibility as well as striving for future governance and economic development.
After facing problems such as peacekeeping and unemployment in the past, Somali youth can play an important role in bringing about economic change through their education and entrepreneurial skills. Somali youth can boost the economy by participating in politics. Since time immemorial youth have faced unemployment and fewer resources but in modern times youth can be mobilized on digital and online platforms to lead them towards success.
The development and economy of any country depend on the skills of the young generation. By earning more from fewer resources, the country’s economy can also be developed, and the problem of unemployment can also be solved. Long-term stability can be enhanced by providing young people with more opportunities and broader skills. Somali youth can open new avenues for national stability by promoting social changes. With the involvement of the young generation, Somalia can create a peaceful and prosperous society.