Somalia is also facing the most pressing environmental and climate challenges among many other challenges. There are frequent droughts, and sometimes there is no rain for the whole year, due to which agriculture is affected the most, the water level in the land decreases, there is a shortage of grains and because of this, animals and humans are suffering. Due to these reasons, poverty increases and conflicts also increase. All these problems are caused only by environmental and climate change.
To understand the environmental and climate changes in Somalia we consider some points that are:
- Climate Change and Agriculture
Due to the lack of rain, the temperature rises, the water level in the ground decreases, and droughts occur, which affect agriculture, and the production of crops decreases. Because of increases, food shortages increase and then dependence on aid activities from other countries increases.
- Land Degradation
In Somalia, because there is a shortage of electricity and gas, deforestation is increasing to obtain fuel, and environmental changes are also increasing significantly due to deforestation. Due to this, the cultivated land here is also becoming unproductive, and this is causing serious damage to the biological diversity.
- Socioeconomic Impacts
Environmental stress is causing displacement for people in Somalia as climate change causes drought and then people migrate to other areas to escape the drought. Dependence on foreign aid increases for people who have migrated. Climate change is causing poverty in Somalia, which is creating many more problems.
To save Somalia from environmental and climatic challenges, it is necessary to stop deforestation here. There is a need to improve the canal system and better methods of water conservation to avoid drought. There is a dire need for foreign investment and projects to improve the agriculture sector.